Discover our range of ride-on sweepers

Ride-On Super Duty Industrial Sweepers
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- Ride-On Super Duty Industrial Sweepers
Find a Super duty ride on sweeper for any application
Conquest Equipment’s unparalleled selection of quality commercial and industrial cleaning equipment includes powerful ride-on floor sweepers.
For longevity, Conquest sweepers are made from the toughest material and ensure smooth manoeuvrability. Large in size and efficient in their operation, our commercial sweepers significantly shorten the amount of time you spend cleaning vast spaces. We offer a free on-site assessment to determine the machinery suited to your application and requirements.Range of Products
Efficient Ride-on Sweepers
Ride-on sweepers are a valuable investment if you are starting your own professional cleaning company and looking for machines that will help you deliver the level of clean discerning customers seek. A versatile cleaning machine, it is also the ideal cleaning companion for those looking to save time and effort when cleaning vast spaces such as a warehouse or a construction site.
Conquest Equipment features a robust selection of commercial and industrial ride-on sweepers. Large and heavy-duty, our sweeper machines deliver a thorough clean every time, regardless if you are removing small debris from a construction site or to keep restaurant floors spotless. With a cushioned seat and arm rests and built-in safety features, our sweeper machines make cleaning safe and comfortable for operators.
Whether you’re looking to rent or buy a ride-on sweeper machine, Conquest can tailor a solution for you. Our sweeper machines are also available for long-term hire from one of our offices in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.
Partnering with Conquest means receiving outstanding customer service and nationwide service and support. We have made reliable servicing available Australia-wide to give you peace of mind that your commercial floor cleaner operates in peak condition and delivers optimal results at all times.
Ask us about our range of commercial sweepers. Call us at 1800 100 150 today or complete our form for a free on-site assessment.