The Problem
After having dealt with Conquest in a previous position within a high profile company, a Burra Foods representative approached Conquest in search of a way to efficiently clean their concrete floors after a truck had passed through. As a food facility it is of the upmost importance to maintain a high standard of cleanliness at their site at all times.
The Conquest Solution
Conquest was quick to respond and completed a full site evaluation in order to provide the best solution for the facility. Burra Foods needed strong robust machines in place throughout the facility that could be relied upon to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Conquest submitted a complete supply proposal which included the PB70 Floor Sweeper and Minimag Floor Scrubber.
The Results
Through Conquest’s quality systems and seamless supply channel the PB70 Floor Sweeper and Minimag Floor Scrubber were successfully introduced on site, with full operator training. These machines have the allowed team at Burra Foods to maintain their flooring to a greater standard and have increased productivity throughout the site.
“Both the PB70 Sweeper & Minimag walk behind Scrubber are performing really good, we have had no issues with either machine, which is great. These machines have brought added efficiency to our site, being able to scrub every time a truck has come through brings the floor back up to standard and has improved the quality of our floors. Conquest has been fantastic to deal with, I have had a few difficult suppliers….which makes you appreciate the good ones.”
Phil Dempster, Purchasing, Burra Foods